In year 2006 my colleague and I joined the travel co. for the fly and drive central Hokkaido trip, this is our first time driving in other country. The car model that we had chosen was Toyota Prius (Hybrid), the GPS for this car model only came with the Japanese language, both of us had a hard time to understand but by looking at the screen and some help from others, we managed to reach all the places of interest that we wished to go. it's very fun, we enjoyed very much.
记得在去富良野观花之前, 我们被导航系统"骗"到别人家的后院(backyard)里去了, 兜
第一次被"骗"更夸张, 把我们"骗"到一个鸟不生蛋的深山野岭, 原本我们是要去游览Hoheikyo Dam, 在输入景点的编码(MapCode)之后, 我们就开车出发了, 车子来到了一处园林, GPS指示我们转入, 在行驶了好一段路后, 觉得越走越不对路, 因为泥路很崎岖, 也没其他车辆, 两旁都是乾枯的树木, 如果遇到森林大火, 后果不堪设想, 我们还是三十六计走为上计(哈哈真怕死), 过后打电话求助, 才知道原来不只我们被"骗", 连负责人也被"骗", 有人还开玩笑说我们的车子是不是掉进泥浆中了, 怎么轮胎都沾满了泥沙。

以上的种种GPS误导事件, 我们在回国之前, 都一一反应在当地的Suvey Form里, 希望系统能有所改善, 我想现在因该大有进步了罢。在此, 希望有意前往的网友, 不要因此而怯步, 总得来说, 整个旅程真的是很不一样, 你可随心所欲, 还可为所欲为呢! (是指看到什么地方, 只要你找得到"无料"停车位, 你都可以进去逛一逛, "有料"的就免了, 因为很贵) 。
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